
Showing posts from October, 2019

So what is the timeline?

We get asked a variation of this question almost daily - "When does Rowan come home?"  "What is the timeline to custody of Rowan?"  "When do you think you will travel?"  It is so very clear - People care, are excited for us, and are hopeful for us, in adding to our family through adoption.   I wish the answer was RIGHT NOW!  But there is a legal process that we are just at the beginning of, and its equal parts amazing and heart breaking to watch her grow through once a month pictures and medical updates.   On one hand, I feel so so incredibly blessed that an answer to prayer - a consistent loving caregiver - is answered for her, and for us.  Rowan is living with a foster family, who is caring for her in this process.  What a gift they are to Rowan, and to us!   And at the same time, we wait for a month to get ONE picture of her sweet face.  And that picture is everything.  EVERYTHING.  I just never thought a...